On being a little lost, and finding your way back

©️Sylvilel It's been a long time since I felt as run-down as I do now, so it's actually a little hard to admit that I'm not doing so well at the moment. But I choose to view it as a symptom of a forward-moving process. Considering all the mental changes I've been through over a very short period, it would be ridiculous to think that my body woulnd't eventually catch up with the mental exhaustion. So now it's evidently time to take a step back and let things run their course for while; let all the hard work process, and see what becomes of it. Since I'm not at all a perfectionist/idealist (read: sarcasm), it's difficult to let go. I am really bad at letting go. But some wise idiot apparently said that you should fake it 'til you make it. Also, in nine days time I'm having another surgery on the arm that I broke last August, which isn't exactly mood-lifting. But that too is part of a growing-process (pun intended), and I'...