
Viser innlegg fra oktober, 2023

Conversations With My Inner Critic #1

- You’re never gonna do it. - Never gonna do what? - Write that book you want to. - Oh. Why not? - You’re not good enough. - Why am I not good enough? - You don’t write everyday. - I don’t write everyday? - No. You just sit there, thinking it all up inside your head, but you never get it down on paper. - I see. And that means I won't be good enough to write a book? - No. Yes. Yes, it means that no, you won’t be good enough. - Okay. So what do you propose I do, then? - Write something else? - Something else? - Yes. Something better. - But how can it be better if I don’t write at all? - You just gotta change. - Change? - Yes. - Change how? - Change into a better person. - Someone else than I already am? - Yes. - But I can’t do that. - But you have to. - But that’s impossible. I am me. I will never be anything else. - But you could try. - You know, I did. Remember? - I suppose. - Remember how that went? - You got depressed and ended up hating yourself, and thinking everyone else hate...

You saved my life, and I abandoned you

You saved my life, and I abandoned you. I didn’t mean to, But I did. I went my own way. Left you behind. I didn’t mean to, But I did. We were our whole Worlds Once, You and I. I saved your life; You saved mine - But then I left, And then you died. I died myself That day You know - A piece of soul I can’t Recover. You where my whole, And I was yours. I didn’t mean to, But I left. I left your heart Out there, Alone. I took my own, And went away. I left your heart Along the road - You took my soul, And died That day.