Tidbits #3

Currently reading: 

Because WHAT is January without my good, longterm-friend, Skulduggery The Dead Skeleton Detective?

Recently finished reading: 

"In this lush fantasy, Lei is a member of the Paper caste, the lowest and most oppressed class in Ikhara. She lives in a remote village with her father, where the decade-old trauma of watching her mother snatched by royal guards still haunts her. Now, the guards are back, and this time it's Lei they're after--the girl whose golden eyes have piqued the king's interest.

Over weeks of training in the opulent but stifling palace, Lei and eight other girls learn the skills and charm that befit being a king's consort. But Lei isn't content to watch her fate consume her. Instead, she does the unthinkable--she falls in love. Her forbidden romance becomes enmeshed with an explosive plot that threatens the very foundation of Ikhara, and Lei, still the wide-eyed country girl at heart, must decide just how far she's willing to go for justice and revenge."

(TW: violence and sexual abuse.)

This was so much more than I expected (and dreaded) to begin with. As with a lot of the YA-books I've read lately, I had my doubts about this one.

I loved the start. Nailed the start. But then I was a little put off by the part between the start and the part where shit starts to get real, because it is plain to see that this inbetween-stuff is not what Ngan cares about. The lack of interest shows in the writing.

But that doesn’t matter at all, because the moment Ngan starts to pour her heart out, the experinece is intense, and the difference is tangible.

Currently listening to:

Currently watching:


  1. Ååå, jeg har lyst til å se Bates Motel! Er det bra?

    1. Helt syk, voldsomt intens og latterlig bra.


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