A Writers Diary - Part 1: The Pep

Ok. So I need to train for this. I need to train for writing, like runners train for marathon.

I need to break it down into little pieces and look at it microscopically. I need to stop getting lost in my own tangle of thoughts, and start moving ahead with some purpose.

And I might need to stop writing in English. Says who?

The world is changing. Help it. Make it change. Move forward. Chase the goal and maybe it will be a truth one day.

So what’s the goal?

To tell my story. Without regret or shame.

I am not ashamed.

am not ashamed.

am not ashamed.

I am
not ashamed.

I am not

There. See how it becomes truer as we speak´?


So buckle up, lady; were going for a ride.

You need to stop hesitating. Stop doubting. Stop overthinking.

What do you need?

You need words. Lots of words. Stories. People. Feelings. Adventures.

And you need to stop looking at things from above; you need to get inside them.

Be in them.

But how do you be in them when you’ve never been in anything your entire life, you say?

Oh but you have, you dolt.



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